Developed in early 2015 by an alliance of six major Polish banks, it quickly developed to the predominant method for online- and POS-payments in Poland. Blik allows buyers to make instant payments easily and securely by using the trusted online banking environment. Transactions are uniquely identified by a 6-digit one-time code, valid for 2 minutes, which the user generates and authenticates in their mobile banking app, that all major Polish banks offer today.

BLIK is used by over 15 million users and more than 5 million transactions per day are being processed on average. The number of users and volumes growing +28% year over year and Blik processed more than 8.9 billion EUR. Blik is offered by the majority of relevant local online merchants in Poland and international merchants offering Blik are benefiting from a large and growing user base and an immediate payment confirmation.

Product features
  • Regions Europe
  • Countries Poland
  • Payment method type Real-Time Online Bank Transfer
  • Refund Yes
  • Partial refund Yes
  • Recurring No
  • Chargeback risk No
  • Processing currencies PLN
  • Settlement currencies PLN