Country Facts
  • Capital Harare
  • Urban population 32%
  • Population 16 M
  • Median Age 18.7 Yr
  • Region Eastern Africa
  • GDP 26 Bn USD
  • GDP growth 8.5%
  • Official Language English, Chewa, Chibarwe, Kalanga, Koisan, Nambya, Ndau, Ndebele, Shangani, Shona, Sign Language, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa
  • Currency Zimbabwe dollar
E-Commerce Facts
  • E-commerce market revenue 272 M USD
  • E-commerce growth 12.4%
  • Online shopping habits Almost half of Zimbabweans over 15 years use Mobile Money when paying online.
  • People with mobile phone (estimate)
  • Internet users, joined 2015-2020
  • E-commerce penetration
  • People with bank account
  • People with credit card
  • Mobile Money users (4.3 M)
  • Total population >15 years
Growth Opportunities

Businesses looking to grow their online sales into new areas have a lot of opportunities in Zimbabwe. Here are a few examples among many others:

● Massive investments in telecom infrastructure have allowed 89% of the population of the country to have access to a mobile phone. Payments made using Mobile Money are popular; over 45% of citizens above age 15 are using it for their regular transactions.

● Mobile Payments are the preferred payment methods, as only less than 29% of Zimbabwe’s population has a bank account and less than 17% has access to a credit card. E-commerce in the country continues to surge with a 12.4% expected annual growth rate year over year, as more people start using e-commerce regularly.

The e-commerce sector in Zimbabwe is expanding quickly. With strategic investments into infrastructure, it has a lot of room to grow in the near future.